Now who believes that? Too many shoes? No way! I just have got to find more room to store them! Maybe I should build an addition to the house, that would work but I doubt that my wife would appreciate a wing to the house just to store my shoes.
As I do from time to time, I look at what other people have in terms of storage ideas, so that is the why of the post. How to store my shoes!
Now when I saw this closet I about drooled seeing all the heels! This is my kind of closet and I know that I could fill at least part of it right now! That would be one sweet closet to have. Just think of the time in there, deciding what shoe goes with my outfit or just trying on different shoes to see which one strikes my fancy.
I also like how organized this closet owner is. I mean all the shoes are neatly displayed, nothing out of place. Now of course if I had this closet, my shoes would be neatly ordered, too. Are they now? Nope, not even close!
So digging a little more I found a most clever way to store my shoes while also keeping them in view when dressing. Wish I had thought of it! Here is a photo of what they did. Does not look too complicated to put together.
Looks like they used crown molding to build a rail to hang their shoes on. The only issue I see with this install, wait make that two, is one it would mean my shoes may get dusty and two, I don't think my wife would go for me having rows of shoes hanging on the wall!
Well until I can get something built for my shoes, they are going to have to be stored in their shoe boxes. Such a dark place for my beautiful shoes to be hiding in! Well what is one to do?
See you guys later! Ciao !